Mabel Lucy Hackney (1880-1914, britisk skuespillerinne)
Den 25. og 26.01.1903 ble «Når vi døde vågner» (When We Dead Awaken), Henrik Ibsens siste skuespill, satt opp av The Stage Society på Imperial Theatre i London. Det var den første engelskspråklige oppføringen av stykket. Mabel Hackney spilte i rollen som «Maja Rubek», mens Laurence Irving spilte «Godseier Ulfheim». De to giftet seg samme år. Laurence Irving spilte i flere andre Ibsenskuespill også, bla som «Doktor Relling» i den første engelske oppsetningen av «Vildanden» (The Wild Duck) i London 04.05.1894, som «Hjalmar Ekdal» i det samme stykket i London 17.05.1897, som «Den fremmede» i «Fruen fra havet» (The Lady from the Sea) i London 04. og 05.05.1902, som «Ejlert Løvborg» i «Hedda Gabler» i London en rekke ganger i mars 1907 (i tillegg til en turné i distriktene frem til november samme år), og som «Skule jarl» i «Kongs-emnerne» (The Pretenders) i London fra 13.02.1913 frem til 15.03.1913.
I mai 1914 var ekteparet på en turné i Winnipeg, Canada. Sir Irving (den første engelske skuespiller som ble slått til ridder) hadde egentlig bestilt billetter hjem til London via Liverpool på «Corsican», men en venn overtalte ham til å heller bestille lugar på det større Canadian Pacific kontrollerte passasjerskipet «RMS Empress of Ireland» (14,191 GRT, lengde 170 meter, bredde ca 20 meter). Ekteparet tok toget til Montreal. Den 28. mai gikk passasjerene ombord. Skipet forlot havnen om ettermiddagen, og rundt 01.30 om morgenen etter gikk losen i land. Kaptein Henry Georg Kendall (1874-1965, engelsk kaptein) satte opp farten, men 12 kilometer ned i St. Lawrence elven ble sikten dårlig grunnet en tykk tåkebank som plutselig rullet inn. Skipet brukte skipsfløytene til å signalisere mot lasteskipet SS «Storstad» på 6000 tonn (kontrollert av norske A.F.Klaveness) som var på vei oppover elven, fullastet med kull. De to hadde oppdaget hverandre tidligere, men det forhindret ikke at de nær Pointe-au-Père (nær byen Rimouski) kolliderte rundt 01.55. «Solstad» (som hadde isforsterket skrog) rev en 14 fots revne i skroget på «Empress of Ireland», noe som førte til at skipet sank i løpet av bare 14 minutter. Strenge sikkerhetstiltak iverksatt etter «Titanic»-ulykken bare litt over to år tidligere var til liten nytte, en av de verste maritime katastofene i fredstid var et faktum. Ombord i «RMS Empress of Ireland» var 1477 personer, hvorav 1012 omkom. I Storstad var det 21 nordmenn, 14 av dem led samme skjebne. Storstads besetning reddet de 473 passasjerene og besetning som overlevde i passasjerskipet.
(Empress of Ireland)
Det er sagt at Laurence Irving var i ferd med å bli reddet, men hoppet tilbake ut i det iskalde vannet for å redde sin kone, som ikke kunne svømme. Begge druknet, Irvings kropp ble vasket i land uker senere, identifisert kun gjennom en ring på fingeren, i hånden holdt han et lite stykke tøy, sannsynligvis fra konens nattkjole. Konen ble aldri funnet. I en annen versjon, forteller F.E. Abbott fra Toronto, som skal ha vært den siste som så Irving i live:
«I met him first in the passageway,» he said, «and he said calmly, 'Is the boat going down?' I said that it looked like it.
«'Dearie,' Irving then said to his wife, 'hurry, there is no time to lose.' Mrs. Irving began to cry, and, as the actor reached for a life-belt, the boat suddenly lurched forward and he was thrown against the door of his cabin. His face was bloody and Mrs. Irving became frantic. 'Keep cool,' he warned her, but she persisted in holding her arms around him. He forced the life-belt over her and pushed her out of the door. He then practically carried her upstairs.»
Abbott said: «Can I help you?» and Irving said, 'Look after yourself first, old man, but God bless you all the same.'» Abbott left the two, man and wife, struggling. Irving by this time was on deck. He was kissing his wife. And as the ship went down they were both clasped in each other's arms.»
«'Dearie,' Irving then said to his wife, 'hurry, there is no time to lose.' Mrs. Irving began to cry, and, as the actor reached for a life-belt, the boat suddenly lurched forward and he was thrown against the door of his cabin. His face was bloody and Mrs. Irving became frantic. 'Keep cool,' he warned her, but she persisted in holding her arms around him. He forced the life-belt over her and pushed her out of the door. He then practically carried her upstairs.»
Abbott said: «Can I help you?» and Irving said, 'Look after yourself first, old man, but God bless you all the same.'» Abbott left the two, man and wife, struggling. Irving by this time was on deck. He was kissing his wife. And as the ship went down they were both clasped in each other's arms.»
(Laurence og Mabel)
New York Times (30.05.1914) skriver i en artikkel under overskriften «Irving faced death calming his wife»: «When the collision occurred, Mr. Irving and his wife, Mabel Hackney, rushed to deck, scantily clad. The ship settled down in the water, and a wave swept across the deck. Mr. Irving clasped his wife in his arms in an endeavor to save her, but the two were swept overboard. There was one fleeting glimpse of them, arms entwined, before they sank.» Abbotts historie er også referert, men avisen legger til en ytterligere versjon: «Clayton R. Burt, factory manager of the Russel Motor Company of Tornoto, who helped Miss Thompson of New Zealand to reach a lifeboat, said he first warned Mr. Irving of their danger. His narrative agreed in the main with that of Mr. Abbott, although they varied in detail.
'I did not hear the first crash, but when the boat listed some plates fell off a stand in my cabin and the noise of they breaking awakened me,' Mr. Burt said. 'I rushed out on deck to see what had happened and returned, putting on all my clothes and taking my money. I looked everywhere for the life preservers, but could not find them in my cabin. So I rushed out and a man who was passing with three preservers dropped one, which I immediately seized.
'Mr. and Mrs. Irving, who sat at my table in the dining room, then came along. I said, 'Save yourselves, for God's sake. We are sinking.' Mr. Irving went to his cabin and returned with two lifebelts, one of which he put on his wife while I put the other on him. I immediately climbed up on the rail and called him to follow. He said he was coming, and as I looked back I saw that he was helping Mrs. Irving to climb up on the side of the rail.
'I slid down to the water's edge and then an explosion occurred. As the ship gave a final lurch I plunged into the water and the suction of the sinking vessel pulled me down to a great depth. When I came to the surface I started to swim.'»
'I did not hear the first crash, but when the boat listed some plates fell off a stand in my cabin and the noise of they breaking awakened me,' Mr. Burt said. 'I rushed out on deck to see what had happened and returned, putting on all my clothes and taking my money. I looked everywhere for the life preservers, but could not find them in my cabin. So I rushed out and a man who was passing with three preservers dropped one, which I immediately seized.
'Mr. and Mrs. Irving, who sat at my table in the dining room, then came along. I said, 'Save yourselves, for God's sake. We are sinking.' Mr. Irving went to his cabin and returned with two lifebelts, one of which he put on his wife while I put the other on him. I immediately climbed up on the rail and called him to follow. He said he was coming, and as I looked back I saw that he was helping Mrs. Irving to climb up on the side of the rail.
'I slid down to the water's edge and then an explosion occurred. As the ship gave a final lurch I plunged into the water and the suction of the sinking vessel pulled me down to a great depth. When I came to the surface I started to swim.'»
Kilder: Wikipedia, Ibsen.nb.no, New York Times 30.05.1914 (Digital versjon), The tragic story of the Empress of Ireland (Digital versjon) av Logan Marshall, 1914 (John C. Winston Company, s. 66-67, som muligens har hentet historien fra en nesten identisk reportasje i «Globe» i Toronto eller andre tidsskrifter), New York Times (Digital versjon).
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